
Every day we receive stories about Advance from countries all around the world.

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A Great Encouragement

After becoming part of an Advance Group, D. found that being with other Christians, and talking through the Advance material together, was a great encouragement to her. Now she feels ‘equipped and empowered’ to proclaim the gospel to her family and friends.

Finding The Focus

One blessing that people find at the heart of Advance, is focus. Ricardo, from the USA, has found that leading a group helps him to keep the gospel central to his life and ministry.

Opportunities To Be Aware Of

For many people, being in an Advance Group brings a growing desire to share the gospel in everyday situations. Luiz, who is our Head of Advance Groups, recently shared the testimony that his Advance journey has made him more aware of the opportunities he has to share the gospel.

Prayer The Pathway To Salvation

In Brazil, one Advance Group took the decision to pray for their family members after every session; in just one year, each person in the group has seen at least one of the members of their family put their faith in Jesus – and they are praying for more of their loved ones to do the same!

Losing The Paralysing Fear

M. shared the testimony that after he joined an Advance Group, he’s lost the fear that had been paralysing him and has found a boldness to share the gospel.

Let’s Meet Twice A Month!

“Let’s meet twice a month, just once a month is not enough” – said by Razvan, member of an Advance Group in Romania, at the end of their second session.

Marvelling At The Holy Spirit

Grace in Zambia received a message via social media from a stranger who sent a greeting and shared that he was facing difficulties in his life. Grace responded with a message about Jesus, encouraging the man to surrender his life to the Lord, and offering a short prayer. Later, Grace received a message to say that the man was thankful for her message and had given his life to Jesus. Grace was left marvelling at the power of the Holy Spirit to act through something so simple as a text message.

Advance Igniting A Fire

The Democratic Republic of Congo is a vast country where Jesus has used Advance as a catalyst to ignite a fire in many people to share the good news. This has produced such passion that people travelled around 100km to participate in Advance training, allowing the Lord to impact their lives for his glory.

The Impact Of The Advance Material

‘In the last few years, using the Advance material, we have organised Youth Seminars, Conferences, and various programmes, aiming to train and equip people to go out and share the good news of Jesus with the world. We have recently seen hundreds of students graduate from Revelation Bible College and Seminary, and they have now gone out into the world, with many starting groups in their own villages and in the more remote areas of Pakistan.’ – Naeem Nasir, Advance Ambassador in Pakistan

Liberating Women To Share The Gospel

In Chad, due to the context provided by Islam, women often did not feel free to publicly express themselves. Following recent Advance training in Chad, there are groups of both men and women on fire for evangelism, with women now feeling liberated to freely share the gospel too.

Sharing The Gospel More Freely

One church in Ivory Coast doubled in size after two months of Advance Group training and discipleship, which had encouraged, empowered and equipped people to share the gospel more freely.

Opportunities In The DRC

After seeing the impact that Advance was having in parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the pastor-evangelist who works in the department for mission and evangelism at the Assemblies of God, asked if our ambassador, Chaffra, might come and provide Advance training at one of their gatherings, where they hope to bring together 1000 evangelists!

A Fire For Advance Amongst The Church

‘Particularly since we got the Advance Group Mentoring Guide translated into Urdu in early 2021, we’ve seen a real increase and fire for Advance amongst the churches. Although it is hard to keep track of, in Lahore (which is a city of over 15 million people) I estimate that we now have hundreds of Advance Groups running all around the city, with around 3000 men and women engaging with Advance!’ – Naeem Nasir, Advance Ambassador in Pakistan.

Advance Across The City

In Brazzaville, the capital city of Congo, we have very powerful testimonies of what God has begun to do following the introduction of Advance. Session five on the power of the evangelist, created, through prayer, such a thirst for the unity of the body of Christ that at the end of the training our ambassador, Chaffra, was asked to return to Congo to set up a house of prayer for salvation to be known in that region. The impact was so strong that Brazzaville has begun to be divided into a grid of ten sectors in order to have ten Advance Groups covering the whole city.

Bringing People Together Across N’djamena

Advance first began to work in Chad in March 2022. Since then, we’ve seen Jesus ignite a strong feeling of unity across the whole body of Christ, with Christians and churches working together to see people won for Jesus. The capital city, N’djamena, has been split into six separate zones, meaning that people are now coming together regularly in all areas of the city to pray and to encourage each other in evangelism!

The Power Of Forgiveness

After joining an Advance group in Ivory Coast, and after reflecting on some of the Advance material, one woman felt convicted to call her daughter to ask for forgiveness. After several years of anger and frustration in their relationship, the call was the beginning of peace and reconciliation for them both.


Falling Barriers

Recently, Grace, who is Advance ambassador in Zambia, was sharing the gospel with a teenage boy. Although he welcomed the word that Grace was sharing, the boy felt unable to pray, and she felt that there was a barrier preventing him from accepting Jesus into his life. Patiently, and with dedication, Grace spent more time with the boy, sharing her testimony with him and continuing to speak the gospel. After a while, much to the joy of his mother, the barrier fell, and the boy was able to pray the prayer of salvation freely.

An Excellent Experience

‘An excellent experience! Advance helped reinforce that we all, without exception, have been called to proclaim the good news of salvation.’ – Advance Group Member

A Fresh Start

Edgar told the story of how Advance had challenged the group he is part of to acknowledge and repent of the times that they’d missed opportunities to share the gospel. This fresh start enabled them to explore how the Advance materials could support them in their evangelism

Advance As An Answer To Prayer

White, from Chili, shared the story of a pastor who had a vision for growth in evangelism, but who couldn’t see how this dream could be realised. White explained that although there was a desire to evangelise, there was no material available to them to support that. The pastor believes that Advance is God’s response to his prayers for help, and now the materials are being used to help realise his dream of equipping and empowering evangelists. ‘It’s simply wonderful.’ – White, Advance Group Leader in Chili.