‘Off the back of our Advance Groups session, I decided to make a list and pray for five people every day for 1 year. Before the end of the year, I’ve seen all give of them give their lives to Jesus!’
Every day we receive stories about Advance from countries all around the world.
To submit a story, please fill out this form
Coming To Faith
‘Since launching our Advance Group here in South Devon, we’ve seen seven people come to know Jesus – how amazing!’
Encouraging Young People
‘Since starting an Advance Group, some of our young people have been so encouraged by the material and have committed to grow spiritually themselves, sharing their faith with their friends!’ – Pastor in India
Needed Now More Than Ever
‘I am blessed to know about Advance Groups. Now more than ever we’re needing this training resource to disciple people as they become great evangelists of the gospel.’ – Joffy, Hyderabad
Inspiring Material
‘I am so inspired by the five principles and the powerful teaching from our Advance Group. I personally encourage our prayer team and pastors to read the material and start the groups in their respective churches so they can also be inspired and encouraged.’
Depending On God
‘After joining Advance Groups, we as a church began to depend on God for all things in our lives. Now we are seeing him move more as we press into him and hand things over to him. We’re closer to God than ever before and we love using Advance to disciple others to share the gospel.’ Sis. Kavitha – Hyderabad.
Stepping Out In Boldness
Samuel is a member of one our our Advance Groups in London and after one session, he invited four of his friends to talk about the three big questions in life that he learned about in the Advance Session: ‘Who is God?’, ‘Who is Jesus?’, and ‘What is the purpose of my life?’ As a result of Samuel stepping out and doing this, two of his friends responded to the gospel and gave their lives to Jesus!
Giving Towards Evangelism
One leadership team in Brazil was so impacted after one of the sessions of an Advance Group that they decided to give 10% of their budget towards evangelism so that sharing the good news of Jesus would become more of a priority in their churches.
Raising Up Leaders
After the Advance Conference in Rio de Janeiro, more than 70 young leaders committed their lives to Jesus and to proclaim the gospel in their communities.
Many Coming To Know Jesus
Julio leads a group in Peru and he said, ‘In just one year, we’ve seen 13 new people come to know Jesus and come along to the group!’
Recommitting To Jesus
After one Advance session in Brazil, a pastor burst into tears saying, ‘I’ve been so good at taking care of the church building but have been neglecting the people coming along. I want to recommit to reaching the least, the last and the lost and help equip other leaders through Advance.’
Grabbing Everyday Conversations
Advance Ambassador Wesley went to his tattoo shop in Brazil, and grabbed the opportunity to chat with tattoo artist about Jesus and his journey with Advance. The tattoo artist was so encouraged that he decided to start an Advance Group in the tattoo shop with clients and friends!
The Urgency Of Evangelism
After coming along to an Advance Conference, one pastor burst into tears saying, ‘Before now, I never understood the urgency and importance of evangelism like this before. I can’t wait to help mobilise and equip churches for evangelism in my area.’
Identity In Jesus
‘I’ve been coming along to an Advance Group and after one of the sessions, my whole view of who I am in Jesus shifted. Now, I have more self-esteem and I’m coping with my mental health better, and I’m also stepping out and sharing about Jesus with my mates!’ – Maria, Brazil
Revolutionising Relationship
One pastor who started an Advance Group in his church said after six sessions, ‘I can’t believe that as well as Advance being a blessing to our group, it’s also revolutionising my own personal relationship God and view of the gospel!’
Catching The Heart Of Advance
In Brazil, Marcia went to an Advance Conference and was encouraged that she could know God more deeply and be equipped to share Jesus with the world. She went home that day and printed the Advance Guide to start a new Advance Group with her friends. Less than 12 hours after she started the journey, she shared the gospel for the first time in her life!
Sharing With Friends
‘I love how Advance has helped me get the confidence to share the gospel with my friends and family. I can’t wait to see how God will use the seeds planted.’ – P in India
Growing In Confidence
‘Since joining an Advance Group, I’ve grown in my confidence, have learned so much and even seen two people accept Jesus into their lives for themselves!’ – S in India
Sharpened In Faith
‘Since being part of my Advance Group here in India, we’ve each been sharpened in our faith and understand the gospel more deeply. It’s shaped how I relate to God in my personal times with him and how I share about him with those around me.’ – M in India
Called To Prison Ministry
After joining a group in Portugal, K. felt called to prison ministry. Now she visits women who are in prison all over Portugal, to share the good news of the gospel with them.