One thing I wish I knew when I started sharing my faith is: it’s the keeping on going that counts.
30 years ago I listened to George Verwer speak as he called young people to be committed to world evangelism. He gave us a challenge and I committed myself to that challenge and 30 years on I’m still committed. I read his book “revolution of Love” and copied down the challenge that he gave in the book. So this is now one thing someone told me that has helped me in the sharing of my faith, that I’m now sharing with you….
“I challenge you to be a marathon runner for God in this great task of world evangelism. And when you’re knocked down, just get up, and get back in the race and start running. When you fail, get up! As soon as you feel your hand touch the ground, get up! And you’ll discover that someday, twenty or thirty years from now, just like me, you’ll be still running the race; weary sometimes, wounded sometimes, but still pressing on for Jesus Christ. Let’s press on together for the kingdom of God and world evangelism.”
I’m so excited about Advance and it is now over 40 years on since as George Verwer wrote those words, so it seems right to repeat the challenge to a new generation. His words helped me, it’s going to go wrong, you’re going to find this hard, but the big secret is get up and keep going, and you too, in 30 years’ time, will be able to pass on the same great challenge and message. “It’s keeping going that counts” – will you?
Or in the words of the apostle Paul, he said he would “Press on to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of me… Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:12 and 14
1- What is stopping you today from committing to world evangelism?
2- Where are you currently on your marathon journey? Do you currently feel knocked down or are you perhaps flying high?
3- Wherever you are on the marathon, why not commit today to spending time with Jesus and acknowledge the journey he’s taken you on already, and press into what he has for you to come?
Written by Rachel Jordan-Wolf
Rachel is the National Mission and Evangelism Adviser for the Church of England and works as the Executive Director for HOPE Together. Rachel has a PhD in Church History and is married to Darren a church planter in London.