How I Came To Faith – Kimmi’s Story

I was born in India.  It’s a country rich in culture and traditions, with people worshipping a million Gods, and speaking hundreds and thousands of languages/dialects; a Socialist Secular Democratic country with only 2% of the population being Christian. It’s a wonderful country with interesting facts but too complicated when it comes to living a balanced life because everything is based on caste, class and cash. Only Jesus can help us adapt to these situations.

I’m blessed to have been born into a Christian family. My parents played a major role in disciplining me and teaching me God’s word. They showed me through their lives how to live, love and serve God and they did everything possible to help me find my faith in Jesus. I grew up listening to Christian artists, music played in my church, watched a lot of Christian plays, attended all Christian events in our city and so on. I was living a Christian life because I thought it was expected of me.

My understanding of Christianity was different, and I realised that I needed to discover myself to know what I was following and why. As I got deeper into understanding more about my life and my faith, I came to feel so guilty, ashamed and confused, as I began to realise that I was doing things as a religious practice and was therefore living a life without direction or focus.

Living in India as a young Christian was never easy – you’re always questioned about beliefs and practices, criticised about Christian values, bullied, treated differently and face many forms of persecution. Amidst that, I was finding my joy in the good deeds, people and things in my life. I had my aims, ambitions, and my own approach to live life the way I wanted to. All these things ended up putting me under tremendous pressure and I wanted to know if I really believed in God. I must confess that I was very angry and frustrated, I felt hopeless, and I disconnected from family members, hating myself. I didn’t want to show people that I was struggling and was trying to look happy, but deep down there was no peace in my life.

Attending church regularly and going to worship concerts helped me to rediscover myself and find real joy in Jesus. I wanted to learn more about my family, friends and Christians around me, wanting to discover why they loved Jesus and converted to Christianity.

When I graduated from college, life became serious and just like any other young Indian, I wanted to study and settle abroad. Through a series of interesting events, I asked God to reveal himself and his truth to me, wanting a deeper and better understanding of being a follower of Jesus. God moved me to the UK, and this helped me cut down the busy lifestyle and helped me to focus on my spiritual life and my beliefs.  During this process, God enabled me to understand my identity, to see more how to fulfil God’s purpose in my life and to discover more about what it means to be a true believer, living a Christ-centred life. I also understood that God designed Christian life to be lived with other people, so that we can encourage, support and love each other. By God’s grace, I was always surrounded by Godly people.

I surrendered my life to Jesus and began to trust him in everything. I found the joy of salvation and have witnessed God doing amazing things in my life and through me. For me, every day is about learning to grow deeper in his love and in faith. The key things that developed my journey in Christian faith are surrendering my life totally to Jesus, reading the word, being available for his work, building Godly friendships and examining myself in his presence. Everything did not happen overnight; it was a process and took three years for my total transformation. God works in different ways for different people. I knew God had a special plan for my life and I decided to step into the unseen things and enjoy my life every day in Jesus. After this decision, my whole perception of living a Christian life changed.

As I began to witness his goodness in my life, my faith levels increased.  I enjoy sharing my stories with people around me, particularly witnessing to God’s perfect timing and his goodness. Every step of my life is a miracle: my wedding, business establishments, partnerships, finances, opportunities, travels, literally everything in my life.

In 2017, I got married to Dr Rachel Priyanka, God brought two extreme personalities together for a purpose. It’s supernatural. Together we run a charity that provides healthcare services to underprivileged kids and also serve the Christian community in India.

God has placed me in a position to reach thousands across the globe through our ministry partnerships and business. A recent blessing and God-given opportunity is to be a part of Advance Groups, training, and equipping leaders in India. The opportunities I get are beyond what I ever thought or imagined.  I strongly believe that this is the beginning of something great in my life.

I did not ask God for all of these things. My simple prayer every day is seeking God for his favour and wisdom. I started trusting in him, hearing the voice of God, understanding His purpose in my life, waiting on him, being in a place He wanted me to be and then life turned out to be beautiful and meaningful. I’m blessed by his grace and love, and I thank God for what he has done in my life and in my family. He is faithful and always in control. We live in a dangerous world, and we need Jesus every day, every minute and every second. He is our strong foundation, forever loving, forgiving and always present in times of trouble. Stay strong, have faith and win for Jesus

Written by Komal Swaroop Nagani (Kimmi)
Despite many failures, I’ve been constantly transformed by God’s power and grace. With an entrepreneurial spirit and gift, I’ve used this skill to set up and work with various charities, helping generate revenue to support their work in India. I plug myself into a variety of business projects, which includes Managing Director for KOLLABORATION Consultants, the Director for App dubs Limitied, and the Head of International Communications for my family run Christian broadcasting company. Amongst all that i have the joy of coordinating the Advance work in India.