Grabbing The Opportunities

Liam* had been leading an Advance Group in the UK for a few months and had felt the growing burden on his heart to share about Jesus. After realising he needed some work done in his kitchen, he realised this gave him the perfect chance to share about the love and hope Jesus offers so he began to chat with Steve.

Here’s what Liam said…

‘When Steve first walked into my house, I was concerned about one thing… his repair work in my kitchen. I was not thinking about evangelism. However, as an Advance group we’ve been encouraging each other to be more proactive in our witness, so I’ve been seeking opportunities out more. Steve’s salvation crossed my mind and we briefly chatted a bit about Jesus.

‘After he left that day I prayed for chances to chat with him further and when he came back he immediately started talking about God – and there was I trying to figure out how I might be able to get him onto the topic again!

‘Steve and I worked together for 90 minutes and I basically just told Jesus stories the entire time while he asked me questions. He was truly fascinated and knew very little about Jesus! Perhaps the best comment he made was simply “I need to look into this”. I gave him a Bible and I suggested he start reading the gospel of Luke. He did not know where (or what) that was so I showed him. For Steve, he was genuinely concerned about ‘eternal things’, and so I gave him my number and I will call him sometime soon to chat further about what he’s read.’

Although we know that not all our conversations will end with people immediately accepting Jesus into their lives, we know that it’s not our job to save people – it’s our job to boldly share the good news of Jesus with a world that desperately needs to hear it, and God will do the rest. Often successful evangelism is just like Liam’s story – grabbing the opportunities God gives us to evangelise about him.

*Names have been changed.