Each week our Advance Groups are growing across the world. As men and women join groups and are empowered and equipped for evangelism, they’re growing in boldness and we’re hearing stories of God moving in amazing ways.
Ravi, one of our Advance Ambassadors in India, shares about how God brought miraculous healing to two women – Abeni* and Sajani* – and how they’ve now given their lives to Jesus!
‘Abeni had suffered for a long time from different types of diseases including chicken pox and typhoid fever. She would come along to the group to explore more about God and as she shared her story, we were able to pray for her healing. One day Abeni came to the group and shared how God had answered our prayers and she’d been completely healed! She was so amazed by God’s power and love for her, that she gave her life to Jesus, and in early March was baptised!
‘Sajani’s relative regularly comes along to our Advance Group. One week she asked us to pray from Sajani who was pregnant but had just found out that she had diabetes, and because of this the baby had caught an infection in the womb. It was so serious infection that the doctors had predicted the baby wouldn’t survive.
‘Our Advance Group started praying for Sajani and went to visit her in hospital. She later gave birth and, as feared, the baby was extremely poorly and she was told her baby would not survive. Again we prayed again for Sajani and her baby girl, and God did a wonderful miracle! The baby girl was completely healed and Sajani was fully healed of the diabetes! The doctors were shocked, and our Advance Group has been so encouraged by the goodness of God and the way he answered our prayers for healing! Sajani has now also given her life to Jesus and has just been baptised – praise God!’
*names changed
If you would like to know more about Advance and would like to join a group, please visit advancegroups.org